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Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.With our waste reduction approach, we are making our contribution to ensure a greener earth.
As leaders in the Indian leather industry, we believe we must also lead the way in protecting our planet. Our constant endeavour is to embed best sustainable practices at every step of our operations to lighten our footprint and leave a greener world for future generations.
Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue in the leather industry. Modern, future-oriented leather production must bring economic interests, ecological soundness, and consumer benefit into line. Achieving this balance and turning it into a valuable asset for our partners in the leather industry: that’s the basic idea behind this. Our initiative is a holistic concept that tackles the challenges of sustainable development systematically along the entire value chain. It encompasses the entire life cycle of the leather – with clearly defined development targets in the following areas :

We already has a comprehensive portfolio of leather chemicals that offers these benefits. Our innovative premium products that are specifically tailored to sustainable leather production and enable us to offer our customers first-class performance, while at the same time helping them to protect the environment along the entire value chain.